Friday, September 27, 2013

Figurations and Abstractions

Working on a new figurative painting

Uptil now, the largest part of the paintings I created this year, were figurative ones. And from the beginning of April, it ONLY were figurative paintings for the series 'Show the Inside on the Outside'. 

But it started to itch... The creation of an abstract painting always gives me this feeling of freedom. With figuratives, I always have to remain within the framework. I love to make figuratives paintings though! That is why I decided to alternate more. So I recently finished a painting in the abstract series and currently I am working on a figurative one, while I already set up the subsurface for a new abstract work. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

OPENING solo exhibition @ Van Bellen Art - Sept. 8 - Oct. 20

It was a lovely Sunday with beautiful encounters, great reactions, sales and options @ Van  Bellen Art in Willemstad, The Netherlands. My solo exhibition shows 10 works from the
figurative series and 7 paintings from the abstract series. The largest part of the figurative
paintings is brand new.
I've been working very hard on these series during the past 5 months.
The main theme for me is to show the inside on the outside. Everyone carries his past with him, and the character one is born with. The image one has carefully build, hides the biggest part of the inner world. With my paintings and carefully chosen colors I create a sort of auras. The rest of the imagination is up to the viewer.
Check for information on opening hours, address etc...