Tuesday, February 04, 2014

At work ...

Working on Black Shades, means standing many, many hours... a little relaxation every now and then is necessary!

Monday, February 03, 2014

Pictures of my paintings, made sideways

Detailed close up of  a painting under constructioin which is titled: 'Black Shades'. Made sideways!

I work with a lot of layers, and much, very much paint. That is one of the reasons, that my paintings are as attractive sideways, as right in front of them.

Currently I am working without colors... just black. But as you can see here (and this one is still under construction!!), it can be as powerful as with colors!

'Happy Vibes' sideways

Saturday, February 01, 2014


Yesterday I finished a new painting 'Under Cover'.
It is completely in Black & White. The color you see in the right corner is from my palette.
This picture is taken from the side, so you can see the thickness of the paint.
The entire painting can be seen on my website.