Monday, August 30, 2010

A very nice Sunday at 'Très Chic'

Gallery ART-ist from Geel - Belgium, asked me to join them on the fair yesterday.
Despite the changeable weather it was really crowded  at 'Très Chic'.
Actually too crowded at some moments. But what a lovely audience! This resulted in some very nice conversations, funny and lovely comments on my work and after a long day I can say that it was more than successful!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Opening party for VIPs


Yesterday there was an opening party, only for VIPs (I found out that there actually are a lot of VIPs in this world...), at the life style event Très Chic, in the Herkenrode Abbey of Hasselt. Although it was raining, and part of this event is in open air (well, pavillion tents) it was crowded with beautiful and très chic people. The rich and famous arrived in Limousines, Porches, Rolls Royces, Jaguars and even by helicopter and Laurent-Perrier Champagne was poured generously. I observed all this, with eyes wide open, waiting for my brain to understand. (I'm still waiting...)

Anyway, if you want to visit this event, the opening hours are:
Friday Aug. 27, 17-23 hours
Saturday Aug. 28, 13-23 hours
Sunday Aug. 29, 13-21 hours
Monday Aug. 30, 13-21 hours 
more info:

I'll be attending the exhibition on Sunday

Friday, August 20, 2010


Gallery ART-ist (Geel - Belgium) will present my art next week on the
TRÈS CHIC - Luxury Lifestyle Event in the Herkenrode Abbey in Hasselt-Kuringen, Belgium.
They've reserved a large part of their stand for my paintings.
You can visit this event on:

Friday August 27, 17-23 hours
Sat.    August 28, 13-23 hoursSun.   August 29, 13-21 hours
Mon.  August 30, 13-21 hours

Maybe we'll meet there!

More info: and

Friday, August 06, 2010

Aaaahhh, it really itches

picture borrowed from
I've got the urge to paint, but it really has to wait. There's no space, no rest, even no time.
Would I manage to save all the heebie-jeebies for a couple of weeks without exploding?
Or do I just have to let it pass?
Sorry.... just thinking out loud