Monday, December 28, 2009

My thoughts around this time of year

What I feel, conscious and unconscious, has its affect on my work. This is the part which I cannot explain in words.  

The period around christmas and new year, for me, is a great time to read (food for thought), rest and contemplate. So I read 'The lost symbol' of Dan Brown, a few articles on reincarnation, and I am still busy reading 'an historical account of two notable corruptions of scripture' from Sir Isaac Newton (which confirms my thoughts about how things have been (intentionally) misinterpreted in the bible).
I've always been interested in esoteric wisdom, unseen truths and psychology. Because I'm lucky not to be religious-educated, I got curious, already as a young child. I wanted to learn about religions myself. But the more I read, the less I understood. The more questions I asked the 'theology-teacher' in high-school, the lower my grade-point-average got. "One should not question, one should just 'believe'." ????
But that doesn't work for me. I believe in 'God', but the definition for me is not the one that is preached in churches, mosques and temples.
I can see that a lot of religions are based on the same legitimate values, but why on earth all this abuse of power... every time, in about every religion and in so many ways. There's nothing legitimate about that. (As far as I know only the Buddhists have been peaceful, but it's very interesting to know that Buddhism did not start as a religion but as a lifestyle, which I like better. It was turned into a religion later.)
God/Allah/Yaweh would have never approved of all this. Anyway, the god in me does not. I don't like religions for the simple reason of all rules that are imposed/forced upon us. 

One could become depressed from where we (mankind) stand right now.
But I'm not. I'm very positive, and I think that being aware of, and actually feeling the positive and optimistic energy around us, as well as learning from the past, will help us in making the necessary changes.

I wish you a very healthy, good and wise 2010!

Friday, December 18, 2009


part of 'Sea of wisdom' acrylic on paper 

The thought suddenly came up, but I just realized that all self-respecting contemporary artists, have an enormous pressure on them. Simultaneously to the developments in the world of machinery/gadgets/communications etc.. to me it seems that an artist nowadays has to keep on evolving and innovating at the same rate. This is largely due to internet and it's communication tools.
If one doesn't innovate, one will be caught up by other artists. There are so many of them....
I would never want to change with them, but at least the artists living in the 19th century (and earlier) did feel no breathing down their necks of a rapidly changing world. Also there were much less artists to compete with. Of course they had to evolve and innovate, but much... much slower....
To look at the bright side: they had other problems ... and a little pressure can give surprising results!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

At work

My studio from above, this morning... working on a lot of things... experimenting... and I'll see what this will bring.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Where the process of creating begins

I've got a lot of ideas in my head. They crawl all over each other shouting that they want to be executed, and rather quickly too.
I don't know where to start, how to start, which one to pick first.
It makes me feel restless...
It should be possible to project an idea directly through my eyes on a screen.
It would make my life a whole lot easier and I would be able to bring to life the different ideas which don't have a chance now.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Part of 'Effulgence of the sun'

Though the sky is grey, and it has been raining a lot lately, in my heart the sun is shining.
Since it's December right now, I don't know what is happening to me, but I absolutely enjoy every minute of it. Normally I feel a bit depressed in these dark period before, during and after christmas. I don't like the forced gaiety around christmas, I never did and I probably never will. I always let myself be carried away by this  melancholic period, but for the moment I found a key how to let it pass. I hope it will linger!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Lineart 2009

Yesterday I went to visit the art fair Lineart (edition 28) in Gent, Belgium.
I've visited this fair every edition during the last 5 years.
And, fortunately, this year the quality of the presented work, overall, was great.

In my opinion too many galleries during the last few years showed a rather conservative collection of art. With conservative I mean that they chose for art from artists with the reputation of selling well. Not a lot of new things to discover for the public. I understand that galleries need to sell, but in order to keep attracting audience, they'll have to make it attractive and develop themselves, just like an artist needs to evolve. It's important to impress, to surprise, so the audience wants to come back every year and see what you present this time.

But that was then, and now we had a lot to see. I noticed that some of the artists really made great developments in their work during the last year. I met some artist-friends who were represented by a gallery and they were all very satisfied with the result of the fair. The gallery ART-ist (Geel-Belgium) I work with, was very content too.
The spirit, overall, was positive, and this is a good thing.
I really liked the new (evolved) work of Serge van de Put, Marlis Albrecht, Kalvis Zuters, Paulis Postazs and Raf Veulemans. And I loved seeing again the work of Jef Bertels, Roland Devolder, Jo Pirard, Dirk de Keyzer, and Stephane Halleux. New to me was the work of André Nadal, the works from several artists from the Ho-Gallery (Seoul), Leon Keer, CallmeFrank and I know I've forgotten some.
Afterwards I visited my dear friend in Gent, and I must say: it was a beautiful day!

Friday, December 04, 2009

The positive flow I'm in continues...

Part of 'Exhibitory', one of the last created paintings.

Yesterday I met a sympathatic couple through the gallery of Jules&Jeremy in Utrecht. They saw my exhibition overthere and fell in love with my art. Because of the specific sizes they had in mind, they asked me if it might be possible to create an art piece on commission. I don't do a lot of commissions, but if it feels good to me AND I can do my 'own thing', I accept (of course in cooperation with the gallery).
Anyway, I don't show the painting before I'm completely satisfied with it. And if the client doesn't like it, he doesn't have to take it.
It's always nice to meet people, talk to them and get inspired by their house and personality. After a meeting like this, I put all the impressions together and let it simmer for a while. Then, one day, when it feels good, I start creating.
I'm already curious for the results! That's a good thing to start with!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

BOOST in exciting times

Sales currently are running well again, after it has been quieter than usual for me in September and October.
Of course in times of economic crisis this can be expected.
Fortunately I'm aware that being an artist means that your income is everything but steady. I've learned to live with that.
And putting things in the right perspective helps a lot too, as the manner of seeing does. 
Is your glass half full or half empty?

The many positive reactions on my work kept me eupeptic and optimistic (and grateful) and I'm very glad the negativity in the world didn't affect my work. Actually... maybe it did, but then I've managed to give it a twist in the positive direction. And of course, artists make art because they have to make it…it's like eating or breathing.

In the last weeks there were quite some sales through several galleries and during the Open Studio Weekend some older paintings were sold as well. This is great and it does give me an extra boost to get prepared for a new series of paintings for the new events that are coming up in 2010.

Amongst others:
  • An exhibtion starting on January 10 in Gallery 't Onderhuis, Lage Zwaluwe, Netherlands.
  • The 15-year-anniversary-event at Gallery de Kei in Nuenen, NL medio January. 
  • An exhibition in Basel, Switzerland in March.
  • A solo exhibition at Gallery De Kei, Nuenen, Netherlands. 
  • A solo exhibition at Gallery ART-ist in Geel, Belgium.
I'm looking forward to all of this and wish for everyone, though things will never be the same again, it will become better.

    Friday, November 27, 2009

    The quest

    David, 30x40 cm........... Urban night life, 90x150 cm
    oil on canvas................ acrylic on canvas
    2004........................... 2009

    Often art-lovers, but also emerging artists, ask about my techniques and how I came to the current state.

    It's a lot of hard work and even more time...

    Blood, sweat and tears are mixed up with laughter, happiness and satisfaction.
    Also there's the knowledge that I've never 'arrived'.. I always have to keep on evolving. Besides the fact that I want to keep evolving, I know that if I don't, it can all collapse, and quickly too!
    Anyway if I get stuck in mediocrity I know it will not bring me satisfaction. Neither would copying other artist's style. Even not when it would sell great and bring me lots of money.
    I'm only being a little idealistic ;-)

    It takes a lot of experimenting, doing, creating, making mistakes etc... to finally create a style which distinguishes your's from other artist's art.
    Most of the people who want to become a visual artist, enter a stage of doing what a lot of others already have done. At that point, at least if you want to protrude above the rest, it's a mistake to think 'now it's art because it can be compared with the quality of what other artists have created'. Creating art is a personal thing, it has to carry your soul in it. It has to come from deep within (I think).
    If you want to show something new, something different, please don't do (after your education of course!) what the rest already has done.
    And if you do it, just do it to learn from it and keep on evolving!
    When you've come to the point that you create things which other artists didn't make (yet), than you're on the right track! Even if the quality isn't good yet! The quality you can improve after you've found a style and/or composition of materials that is really unique. But most of the time in the process this is equivalent to eachother.

    I know most emerging artists want to go fast, but some things you cannot speed up. If you run too fast... haste trips over his own heels.

    Monday, November 23, 2009

    The weekend and the WINNER!

    Before the visitors arrived.

    It was a great weekend. Saturday wasn't as crowded as Sunday, but nevertheless very satisfying. I enjoyed meeting again people who already have some/a painting(s) of my hand, and of course meeting new people. I'm still floating on the enthusiastic and positive reactions. Of course sales help too (lol). I tried to talk with everyone and both Ben and I were so busy, there was only one moment I had the chance to quickly take some pictures.

    There were only a few people who forgot to fill in their details on the lottery. The box was filled and yesterday-evening my youngest son had the privilege, after shuffling the tickets over and over again, to pick (eyes closed) the winner of the new painting 'Reconciliation'. It is Mr. John Luijten from Luijksgestel (NL). He's already received a noticification through email and in the next days I'm going to deliver the painting to him personally.

    Winner of 3 months free hire of the painting he choose to hire is Mr. Theo Kox from Eersel.

    Exhausted but very satisfied yesterday evening at 17.00 hours!

    Tuesday, November 10, 2009

    This iz Art

    A week ago I started a new blog.
    It shows links to, in my opinion, great contemporary artists,
    video's and websites.

    Tuesday, November 03, 2009

    Upcoming Open studio weekend!

    Just to let you know if you want to come:

    I've planned an Open Studio Weekend on
    Saturday November 21, en Sunday November 22.
    Later more details about what to expect.

    Friday, October 30, 2009

    My newest painting: I-catcher

    Detail of I-catcher

    My newest painting is called I-catcher and I'm very happy with the result.
    It's 160x100 cm, 63x39 inch.
    You can find a picture of the complete painting on my website

    I always say that everyone is free to see in my paintings what he or she wants to see in it. I want the spectator to use his imagination, or listen to what feelings come up.
    This still counts, but this time I'll tell you what this painting means for me.

    To me I-catcher is depicting a combination of feelings I experience:

    -being in nature

    -feeling a rush of (private) emotions
    -looking at the maelstrom called 'life'
    -enjoying the colors of the fall
    -being determined to stay positive

    Thursday, October 29, 2009

    In the Spotlight on O+

    No shortcomings for media-attention lately!
    This time an interview about me on
    I'm in the 'spotlight' all week.

    is a Dutch website for and about women in business. Its goal is to connect female entrepreneurs. I don't see myself as a business woman, but I cannot deny the fact that being an artist makes that I have to be a business woman as well. So I'm proud they've asked me!

    Saturday, October 24, 2009

    An article about my art on DUTCH COWGIRLS !!!!

    1 of my favourite websites is Dutch Cowgirls. I follow it every day because it is very inspiring to me. This Dutch website is about everything that modern women are interested in and more. So you can imagine that I'm very happy that Marieke de Kort wrote an item about my Portable Art!

    Right now Dutch Cowgirls is nominated for 'Best webLog', second round (only 20 left, so if you like it, vote for it).
    Men, don't hestitate to visit this site, there are also a lot of male readers, and you can always go to 1 of the other sites: Dutch Cowboys (men) Search Cowboys (international-English) German Cowboys or Belgian Cowboys.

    Thursday, October 22, 2009

    On Dutch Television - SBS6

    Next Sunday, October 25, at 13.05 hours you can see some of my paintings on the Dutch television channel SBS6 in a program called Citytrends (the continuation of the program Summertrends). They've filmed in the gallery of Jules and Jeremy in Utrecht. I guess it will be a short item, but for an artist it's nice to see your own paintings on national TV, so I'm curious.

    Tuesday, October 20, 2009

    A few new art-bags and a new painting

    This one's mine, so not available anymore

    Last week I finished some new art-bags.
    Jungle, Lilly, Spicey and Restful.
    Look at the 'Prima Donna'-series and 'Space'-series on

    Today I finished a diptych, 140x140 cm/55x55 inch:
    State of mind. It was a pleasure creating it, with lots of splashes and big movements.
    Take a glimpse on a part of it here:

    Sunday, October 18, 2009

    At the Excellent Fair

    With Cees Clijsen, owner of 'Galerie De Kei'.
    I visited the Excellent Fair (one of the events of the Dutch Design Week) yesterday. It was really crowded and there was a lot of attention for my paintings.
    The fair lasts until tomorrow evening 21.00 hours.

    Friday, October 16, 2009

    Dutch Design Week: My work at the Excellent Fair, Eindhoven

    One of the events during the famous Dutch Design Week is the 'The Excellent Fair'. It started yesterday and like every year my work is represented by Gallery De Kei from Nuenen, the Netherlands.

    Open on:

    Thursday Oct. 15: 19.00 – 23.00 hours. Friday Oct. 16: 13.00 – 21.00 hours. Saturday Oct.17 and Sunday Oct.18: 11.00 – 17.00 hours. Monday Oct. 19: 13.00 – 21.00 hours.

    If you'd like to go there, you can click HERE to get a free entrance-ticket for 2.

    Just print it out and show it... Have fun!

    Lardinoisstraat 8,
    5611 ZZ Eindhoven

    Thursday, October 15, 2009

    Penelope Przekop

    It's weird and nice how things run sometimes.
    Bob Hogge, one of the gallery directors of Monkdogz Urban Art Gallery who represents my work in New York City, introduced my name and website to Penelope Przekop. She's an author living in Philadelphia, USA and has amongst many other things written books like 'Aberrations' and 'Six sigma for business excellence'. She was interested in my work and she mailed me, introducing herself and next asked me if I'd be interested to read the draft of her new novel 'Centerpieces'. Vincent and Theo van Gogh are key characters in the novel, which takes place in Paris and New York City. I love the art of Vincent van Gogh, I love Paris and I love New York... all good reasons to read the draft!
    I loved it, and could not stop reading... She's got it, she knows how to write and intrigue!
    I feel really honored that she asked me to review it.
    So, when the book, Centerpieces, is published go get and read it!!!

    Besides all that, keep an eye on her, because she's got more skills, she's a painter as well!!
    More info:

    Monday, October 12, 2009

    Sunday at Jules & Jeremy's

    When everyone had left, a last picture (made by Jules). From left to right:
    Jules, Jeremy, Mino, Ben, Esther, Jeanine, Jan-Willem and Pii

    I really enjoyed the opening of my exhibition at Jules & Jeremy Art & Design in Utrecht during a rainy Sunday afternoon, and evening!! I met some wonderful people including the inimitable artist Pii!! The show runs until December 1, so if you're in the neighborhood, check out this exhibition with the beautiful glass objects of Michael Behrens and the very unique design furniture made by Jules Ponsioen and Jeremy Nagel. Jules and Jeremy are chosen to present their design at the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven from October 17 until October 25. For more info:

    Sunday, October 11, 2009

    New article on my art-bags on DailyArtFixx

    Check it out!

    Besides this nice article there is much more great art described on this blog. Every day I discover new artists here. The collection of artists presented by Wendy Campbell (the blogger) is marvelous!!!