Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last day of the year....

A challenging brand new year lies ahead of us.
Unstable times, worsening economic crisis and accelerating climate changes do not really make people carefree...  To put it mildly...

We can dive into it, and stay under water.... But we better act creative, pick out the positive sides of the changes and take up the challenge to drag out the best and enjoy every single minute of it!
Anyway, that is what I do, and plan to keep on doing. I can assure you, it's proving a success and makes one feel better!

I wish you luck, health and wisdom, positive energy and creativity in all aspects. Keep your eyes wide open and embrace life.

Welcome 2012!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The machine goes on and on..

For a lot of reasons this time of year, as long as I remember, never has been my favorite one.
Winter can have its charm, but not when it's wet, cold and grey...
Especially the wet and grey part are not my cup of tea.
Time for contemplation.

No painting now... I'm taking a break.
Well, my hands do.... but in my head the machine goes on and on.

Making plans for my new series.
I can't hardly wait to start it. But first it has to simmer, and next it will start to itch.
That's good!
When the itch becomes unbearable I'll start painting.
I'm already curious for the results!

picture by Esther Barend

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Spot painting by Damien Hirst

First: I am not only an artist, but I'm also an art lover. Loving art to me means that I can leave my own taste at home, and 'judge' contemporary and older art by its quality, originality, unicity and power to impress/touch the heart/get under one's skin. And (for older art) also the time/period that it was made in. Usually I only react on art and artists when I really think it's great (or when an artists asks my opinion, but then I will always give constructive criticism). I don't like to talk bad about art, because negative criticism can say as much (or more) about me, than on the art(ist) in question and I also do not want to disappoint people.
But now... I'm sorry, I really need to speak up. Not because I think that I am better! NO... because I think a lot of artists, including myself DESERVE better. At least as much as Damien Hirst...
Or I'd better turn it around? He does not deserve more than a lot of extremely talented/their-ass-of-working/high quality/unique/original artists do....? 

Maybe I just have to see it this way: he's the lucky one....?!
What's this all about?

Damien Hirst, who is said to be one of todays leading contemporary artists, confided to the Los Angeles Times, that his SPOT paintings look
"sort of happy — like Skittles or kids' sweets" but "when you see them together you get kind of lost in them. There's an underlying anxiousness."..... Wow, what a story!!!!  

I can't believe that buyers fall for that crap! I get an underlying anxiousness as well when I look at those paintings... because I can NOT understand that people pay a lot of money for something so UNoriginal and dull (times at least 300 !!!! ... Is that original ?????).

Hirst's SPOT paintings are exhibited in all Gagosian Galleries all over the world. 
YES.... GAGOSIAN!!!!!! 
Gagosian is a leading gallery. I mean... if I could work with them... that would be like winning the lottery... okay okay I will stop dreaming out loud.
But really... I do NOT see another reason for them to work with Damien Hirst than the fame of his name.... or differently said: the money they can earn with his fame. Or do they really LOVE his spot paintings and butterflies???
I know that a gallery is not a charity institution. They have to earn money just like everyone else does. But there really are artists on this planet who have more exciting art to select from!
Of course, Hirst has done a lot more than his Spot paintings and his Butterfly paintings. I actually like his shark (and other animals) period... because it was innovative. But I cannot say that about his recent work (of the last couple of years). I think it's highly overestimated and personally I do not understand that an artist of his level wants the Spot paintings to be known as his! I'm sorry... I would not! I would love to advice Gagosian on some very good other artists though!

I need to add that I am not a jealous person. I really wish the best to everyone, especially to those who work hard to reach their goals (in each field). I wish the best to Damien Hirst as well (so Damien don't take this too personal!). By the way Damien, there are some other artists as well who would easily fit in this post, instead of you.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Reflection by MOVIETTES FILM

Below you will find a link to a video that has been 
made by Moviettes Film for Monkdogz Urban 
Art Gallery in New York City. It concerns the launch
on DOC NYC Film Festival in New York of CALVET,
the documentary directed and produced by Dominic 
Allan on the extraordinary life of my fellow artist at
Monkdogz: Jean Marc Calvet. Also he filmed on the
opening of the solo exhibition of Jean Marc
afterwards 'INVASION' at Monkdogz Urban Art.
I was there and I can tell you, it really is a very 
good reflection of the happening and the atmosphere.

Currently the documentary is running in several 
theaters all over the U.K. 
Check for more info.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Impression Solo show at Van Bellen Art

Just a few pictures of the solo show at Van Bellen Art in Willemstad the Netherlands which started Sunday Nov 27 and runs until Dec. 31 2011.

More info, check

Friday, November 18, 2011

Get Inspired! Magazine

It's great when your art is published on an ART WEBSITE which presents high level quality art. Mine was! Get Inspired! Magazine is a multi talent platform where artists and designers can get their daily inspiration divided in different sub groups. The magazine tries to deliver you high quality work from the best artists and designers in the world. Get Inspired! Magazine is, and always has been, independent.

Click here to see the result:

Monday, November 14, 2011

The next big thing.. (last one this year!)

The last exhibition of this year is coming up. It will be at 'Van Bellen Art' in Willemstad, the Netherlands and it's a solo exhibition.
I'll be attending the vernissage on Sunday, Nov 27, 14.00-17.00 hours. 

It would be so nice to meet you there!

The exhibition will last until Dec. 31.

Van Bellen Art successfully represents my work since mid 2011.

Willemstad is a beautiful old town near Rotterdam. It's an ancient fortress, and really worthwile to pay a visit to. First there was Willemstad in the Netherlands (1584), later on another Willemstad was founded on CuraƧao.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Making someone happy!

Mrs. Tilly van Deursen, the winner of
'Come fly with me' was so happy with her price, that she came to visit me in my studio this afternoon to receive the painting in person.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

More publicity on my art ....

What a surprise to see my art appear on

the russian website Antigorod


Sweet-station (scroll down)

+ in the magazine MaxLife Antwerp (also preview online)

+ an article on my painting 'The ultimate conjunction' in the magazine MANAGER

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Film and exhibition in New York

Pictures here of, of course NEW YORK - the theatre - Director of CALVET Dominic Allan and me - Jean Marc Calvet (the artist himself!) standing in the doorway at the beginning of the movie - Questions and Answers after the movie and next.... INVASION to the opening of the solo exhibition of Jean Marc Calvet at Monkdogz Urban Art Gallery on 150, 52nd. street - pictures made by me.

The day after the launch of CALVET I wrote an entire review on my iphone. 
I just had to get it out!
But somehow I could not publish it on my blog. So now, back home, I'm going to publish it after all. And a little bit more.

Sunday morning, NYC:
I'm sitting at Starbucks on 7th Avenue, drinking a green tea and thinking over what I've been experiencing during the past days here in NY.
The Calvet movie was just stunning. It has been launched yesterday at the DOC NYC festival in New York City.
Not that it is an action film with a lot of special effects... It's just this amazing extraordinary story told with so much openness
(I don't know if that word exists) and integrity that it hit me right in the heart.
It just rolled over me and afterwards it just blew me away.
Maybe because I know Jean Marc in person, maybe because of his honesty and not keeping up appearances...
Maybe because of the integrity of Dominic Allan the director of the documentary...
Maybe because of the intriguing music of Edith Progue... But I think it's everything together.
I've been following the proces of the movie since 2008, when I started working with Monkdogz Urban Art,
the gallery both Jean Marc Calvet and I work with in New York.
I've get to know him a little bit over the past years, am close with the gallery owners Marina Hadley and Bob Hogge, got to know several people
who are involved with the movie, like Dominic Allan and Edith Progue... I feel really priviliged to have been able to
attend this very special happening and the opening of the solo exhibition afterwards.
It was really crowded and there was this awesome undiscribable positive vibe...
It's the day after and I'm still walking around with this crazy smile on my face.
Just being happy I think and enjoying life. I'm going out there again now, in the sunshine
Just took a look at the NY marathon at Central Park and now heading to Times Square. I just love New York.
Opening of INVASION by Jean Marc Calvet, at Monkdogz Urban Art Gallery, 150 East, 52nd street, New York CityLots of very enthusiastic people and art lovers and buyers :)
I can only say this: go see the movie somewhere, somehow. It will be shown in several theatres in Great Brittain from Nov 24 until Dec. 13. and also will be launched on more film festivals all over the world. More info, check: and check Calvet's art on
And see here the Questions and Answers - interview after the movie.

Saturday, November 05, 2011


Today is a very special day. Finally the movie about my fellow artist Jean Marc Calvet is being launched on the DOC NYC Festival in New York City. I'm one of the guests (YESS) and afterwards I'll be attending the opening of the solo exhibition at Monkdogz Urban Art Gallery on 150 East, 52nd street. The show will last Nov 10, so if you want to take the opportunity to see his work: GO THERE! If you want to meet the artist, Jean Marc Calvet will be there every afternoon!

I arrived in New York yesterday and met with Dominic Allan, the director and producer of the film. We mailed several times over the past year, and it was great to finally meet in person. Of course Jean Marc was there too, painting, installing and having fun... It will be a great day today and maybe I'll meet one of you too!
I know one thing... when the film starts and the music comes up, the goosebumps will be there! Thank you for the wonderful music Edith Progue! (I've heard it about a thousand times)

Thursday, November 03, 2011


I'm really very honored to be one of Daily Art Fixx's favourite artists! 

For Wendy Campbell Daily Art Fixx began as a way to immerse herself in art – for education and inspiration. Over the last  two years, DAF has grown beyond her expectations to include artist profiles (both historical and current), most visual art genres, and themes such as Women in the Arts, Art-e-Facts, E-Learning, Eco-Art, and more. I check every day what new artists and art Wendy has discovered on our planet Earth. I can assure you, she's got taste!

Another blogpost on my art, this time the girls in paint. Check it yourself!

Wednesday, November 02, 2011


Mrs. TILLY VAN DEURSEN from Bladel, the Netherlands!

There already were a lot of subscribers and in the past few weeks I had a lot of new subscribers from all over the world. In the last few days a lot of visitors of the art fair in Cologne subscribed to my newsletter as well.

So congratulations to Mrs. van Deursen!

The art work will be delivered as soon as possible!

Come fly with me

The day after BLOOOM - a review!

I'm happy but soooooo tired. Last night I hit my bed at 03.00 hours and did not sleep well. BLOOOM, especially yesterday was too impressive to digest it all. Not only the exhibited art overall, but I received many many heart warming compliments on my work... People even came back after seeying the entire fair (sometimes 2 or 3 days one after another), to tell how they felt about it. I can tell you, it did something to me. Also, sometimes it gave me a strange sensation. It's like it was not about my art but about someone else's. Art Fair and Blooom together showed so many wonderful art that for me it's an honor to have been one of the participating artists. There have been made tons of pictures of my Girls in Paint... if I would have asked one euro for each picture I would have earned a lot of money!! One guy made about 20 detailed pictures of every painting from every point of view (of course without asking)... I would not have been surprised if he would have photographed the backside of the painting as well.
Anyway, I participated with ARTISHOX Art Gallery who also represented Philip Bosmans', Derek Stenning's and Michihiro Matsuoka's work. This combination was soooooo good! Lots of reactions on everyone's work. People drooling in front of Stenning's amazing astronauts, disarming smiles in front of Matsuoka's lovely creatures and astonished faces followed by happy smiles looking at Bosmans' paintings. It was so interesting to observe all those reactions, smiles etc....
It was an awesome reunion with artists I met last year like Pier Paolo Quaglia and his wife Cindy, Skeleton Hearts' Lisa Crawley, Elmer Presslee, Daniel van Nes, Christian Rothenhagen. Of course my dear friends and both artists Raf Veulemans and Miraschi! Also I met again with clients and people who were interested in my art last year came back. Great!
I really did miss Anthony, Claire, Nick and Sacha, but I met some lovely artists like Paul Tobin all the way from New Zealand, Birgitta Sundstrƶm Jansdotter, Kanter Dhaenens and our neighbour Ella Buzo from Cabinodd. I'm sure I'm forgetting people, I'm sorry.. the hard disk in my head is overloaded.

A few pictures here. The rest will follow later on facebook.

Finally, this evening the raffle will take place. One of the subscribers to my newsletter (old subscribers and new!) will win my painting: 'Come fly with me'. You can still subscribe until 18.00 hours my time!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

From now on: My art available for smaller wallets as well

I'm very proud to announce that from now on, one can worldwide order professionally scanned fine art prints in limited editions of my work AND fine art prints on Diasec for affordable prices on

The scans are extremely sharp. You can see every brushstroke! And the prints are awesome.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


| Next weekend! Oct. 29 - Nov. 1 2011 |
| Derek Stenning - CANADA |
| Michihiro Matsuoka - JAPAN |
| Esther Barend - NETHERLANDS |
| Philip Bosmans - BELGIUM |

Monday, October 24, 2011


I'm preparing for BLOOOM, the creative industries art show in Cologne! At the end of this week the second edition of this wonderful art fair, linked to ART FAIR 21, will get started!
Like last year, my art will be represented by ARTISHOX Art Gallery. My newest colorful series 'Girls in Paint' will be exhibited for the first time here. ALSO... very affordable but nevertheless professionally scanned fine art prints will be available! I'm very proud my art will be in the wonderful company of the awesome works of Japanese artist Michihiro Matsuoka, Belgian artist Philip Bosmans and Canadian artist Derek Stenning.
I'm really looking forward to reunite with the friends I made last year, artists from all over the world! But I feel sorry too that some are not going to be there. Nevertheless I know this is going to be a great event!

Blooom is far from average! Whether you want to be surprised and amazed by stunning art, would like to buy unique art for affordable prices or only want to get inspired... THIS IS THE PLACE TO BE!
On Friday evening Oct. 28 it will get started with a vernissage. Next open every day from 12.00 - 20.00 hours until Tuesday Nov. 1 until 19.00 hours. More info
The booth of ARTISHOX is situated in the 'SĆ¼dflĆ¼gel' of 'Staatenhaus am Rheinpark'. I'll be attending the fair for a couple of days so maybe we'll meet there! :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Do you want this painting??

Picture of the entire painting

Come fly with me

60x24 cm | 24x9 inch

The only thing one has to do, is to subscribe to my newsletter
The raffle will take place on Nov. 2, 2011 and I'll announce the winner through this blog, the newsletter and facebook

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The images are macro details of the work.

Subscribe to my newsletter on my website, 

and make a big chance to win a new painting of my hand.  
On Wednesday November 2, I will raffle an art work among the subscribers of my NewsLetter.
The painting is 60x24 cm / 24 x 9 inch, acrylics on canvas. The title will arise with the work which is still under construction.
The winner will be announced through my newsletter, my blog and on my facebook page

Do not worry, I will absolutely NOT give nor sell your mail address to others.
I don't like that kind of practices.
One can always unscribe.
Do not hesitate to spread the word! :) What goes around, comes around!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Chasing time

Crazy world we live in and time passes by so quickly that I can hardly keep up with it.
September has flown, only one day left and October is about to start! I'm chasing time. I've been working like crazy, so much is going on!
And now, after this awful summer with much rain, and hardly any sun has ended ( I had already put away my summer clothes) NOW summer has started!
The average temperature in the past week has been higher than in July and August all together!!!
Summer in the Fall... What will the Winter bring???

Anyway... I've finished my assignments and moving on to the next point on my list...
In one month Blooom, the Creative Industries Art Show in Cologne will get started and I still have some work to do for that!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Corporate identity

Wow, what's in a name!
Today 'The Ultimate Conjunction' was revealed, with great interest, at Big Media Group.
Through ARTISHOX Art Gallery I got the assignment to create a large painting for this worldwide operating enterprise.
The headquarters of Big Media Group is situated in a very modern premises, with large white walls, a lot of light through large windows, and real trees growing inside of the building.
Big Media's main task is to connect enterprises through their magazines, which are regional oriented. The company has very strong values, and their staff is very loyal. The company is modern, dynamic and innovative.
Those aspects made the inspiration for my painting: connection - cooperation - weaving - fusion - together - going for the ultimate result - dynamics.

It is always exciting, but fortunately the C.E.O.'s of Big Media were thrilled, and their staff as well.
Anyway, I am so proud that my art is in their house!

Big Media Group is also on Facebook.

The Ultimate Conjunction, 150x300 cm / 59x118 inch

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Small detail of the blurred painting... me busy applying the last details.... the finishing touch. The client is the first one to see the complete painting. 

Okay... the large painting is ready!
During the process of creation a painting gets under my skin deeper and deeper.
I've been absorbed by it for about 3 weeks now, and I just had to crawl out of it and let go.
Upcoming week: presentation to the customer. The company wanted a screamer... one you can't pass without being moved by it (in one way or the other).
I think it will be very hard to NOT notice this painting. Nevertheless, the main thing is that the customer likes, no... loves the painting. Exciting!
Ben (Artishox Art Gallery) thinks the work is great and although I'm very satisfied with the painting myself, I know I'm going to be nervous about the reaction of the client (as always).

Not that I can sit down and relax now.
I've started another painting on commission.
And I have to create a few more paintings for the upcoming art fair BLOOOM in Cologne - Germany  (end of October), and for a new solo exhibition at Van Bellen Art in Willemstad - Netherlands (December)
Last year the first edition of Blooom, the creative industries art show, in the 'Staatenhaus am Rheinpark' in Cologne, was a success. It is linked to ART Fair 21, the very prestigious art fair which shares its facilities and space with Blooom from Oct. 29 until Nov. 1 2011.
This year I'll be represented once again on BLOOOM by Artishox Art Gallery, together with 2 top artists and 1 very talented emerging artist. EXCITING!
Besides all that, I'm busy with a few other things... It's a bit too much all together, and I have to set my priorities all the time,  but hey... nothing to complain about.
I just have to remind myself every now and then that I need to relax, that's all.

Monday, September 12, 2011


A few sneak preview-images made during the construction of the composition. The final result will be different.
And yes... I dyed (painted) my hair too.

Since about 2 weeks I'm busy with an awesome assignment which I got through Artishox Art Gallery: creating a large painting (and I love making large paintings!) for the reception of a big international media enterprise. 
This is also called 'Corporate Art'.
In my opinion this sounds too commercial.
Whether it is for a company or for a private person, for me art on commission always is a challenge.
I usually go to the site where the painting should hang.
The space, the interior/ the company, their image/ the people and their personality.... these all are very important issues for me to be able to define an image in my head of how the painting should be.
In my own recognizable style of course. I don't accept commissions that do not allow me to use my own style.
And every time again I succeed to surprise myself. In fact, when I think about it, assignments are partly responsible for the evolution in my work.
No pain, no gain.... the client only has to buy the painting when he/she is completely satisfied with my piece of art. Maybe that is the motivation which keeps me sharp.
Anyway, I see the current painting growing, and I already love it. Think it will cost me about 1 more week before it is ready.
Hopefully the client will be happy! If not, I will keep it and make another one.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The day after....

detail of: 'She's got it'
Gray weather overhere in the past 2 months, with only a few days of sunshine... it doesn't bring out the best in people. The art of living is to enjoy every ray of sunshine and to realize that there's a lot of misery in the world, which is much worse than a bad summer situated in the luxury of the western world. But when the extreme weather blows away a complete music festival like Pukkelpop in Hasselt - Belgium (nearby my hometown), 5 people died, 10 very heavily wounded, 140 wounded.... one feels humble. My thoughts go to the victims and their beloved ones.

In my art I try to make the sun shine.
It's my way to deal with life.

More new paintings to be found on my website:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Last days of Solo Show

Party - life is what you make it - diptych, 140x30 cm

Next Friday, Saturday AND Sunday are the last days of my solo exhibition at ARTISHOX Art Gallery (July 29, 30 AND 31!)
Of course afterwards there's still work in stock and available through the gallery.
So if you want to seize the opportunity to see some of my latest paintings for real, this is your chance.
Friday and Saturday from 12-18.00 hours, Sunday 13-17.00 hours, Witte Nonnenstraat 18, Hasselt - Belgium

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


photo courtesy Walker Pickering

No, I'm not a US resident. So, hey, maybe I should just shut up.
But since the world has become so small through internet and social media, we are all related to eachother, somewhere or somehow.
Moreover, it is said that someone from outside who's familiar with the facts, can see the state of affairs more objectivly.

What happens in the USA affects the world.
Furthermore their happen to live a bunch of people in the USA I really love.
That is why I have to write that I'm just dumbfounded about the fact that there is so much counteraction against Barack Obama. Of course Obama is not perfect, he ISN'T a god... but he does his utmost!!! In my opinion Barack Obama is a president to be very proud of. He knows what integrity means and sets out to save the country from ruination after Bush's devastating leadership.
Bush left something that looks suspiciously like a garbage dump, and now Obama and his administration have the thankless task to clean up the trash in only 4 years.
This almost impossible task has become even more impossible, because of the constant counteractions by the republicans who's only goal seems to be 'power'.
Not the welfare of ALL their residents is the most important issue on their agenda, but the next presidential elections.
But hello.... HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
What about COOPERATION to save the USA??
Do I have to spell it out?
Work together people, and save your country.
Use the money meant for the presidential campaigns for your country.
I know it's not enough, but it will have a better destination.
Rebuild the US... so you can start living the REAL American Dream!
After reaching that goal, you can start quarreling again about who will deliver the new president.
Anyway, the competition will be much more righteous by then.

More photos of Walker Pickering:

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Feeling privileged...

Sometimes I feel guilty for feeling happy, while at the same time there's so much misery on our planet.
Tsunamis and earthquakes, civil wars, religious wars, people starving in Africa, idiots shooting dozens of innocent young people in Norway...
The blindness of the people for the pollution of our planet, overfishing of our seas, the consequences of the meat industry, etc....
People trapped in their personal situations/relations/problems, often without the perspective to be able to change a thing...
I tell myself that I'm just a tiny player in the whole and there's not much I can do to change all this. I take my responsibilities, help where I can, and there is not much more which I can do.
I tell myself that 100 years ago it would have taken days/weeks before news from other countries/parts of the world would have arrived, and that it does not help to carry the weight of the world.
I tell myself that it's better to focus on the positive sides of life, than the negative, without ignoring them.
So I try not to get influenced too much by the news of the world, to seize the day, to enjoy and be thankful.
But hey... isn't life extremely bizarre? Beautiful and devastating at the same time...
There's too much ignorance in this world and I really don't know if this will ever change...
It should be possible to invent an improved version of life...
I think that's what still drives us artists

I can plunge into my paint, dream away in creation and in the results. I therefore feel privileged.

In front of 'A true bottle redhead' from the 'Girls in Paint' series.

Friday, July 22, 2011

More Girls in Paint.

Detail of new Girl in Paint...

There will arise more paintings in the Dynamic Abstracts-series, but right now I'm just too excited and full of ideas concerning the Girls in Paint.
There are 4 new ones on my website, and right now I'm making another one... Well not right now, because I have to wait for the third layer to dry, before I can continue.
Impatiently waiting, which is good!
There are some great events waiting for me in the Fall, so now's the time to flourish.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Autumn in the Summer

Details of 'Don't touch without gloves' of the Girls in Paint - series.

Last April it was Summer in the Spring. Lovely surprise, and I enjoyed it as much as I could. Unfortunately now it's Autumn in the Summer. It's raining cats and dogs overhere, while in Somalia there has never been so much drought as right now. Life's a bitch. My thoughts are with the victims of this disaster.
Although I miss the sun, the rain does not bring me in a bad mood. All I want is to paint... (I'm dying of excitement)  and when it's too hot I don't have the energy.
I've made several new paintings, amongst which 4 new Girls in Paint. This time only full colour.
Tomorrow I will start a new larger one, also a Girl in Paint.
I just love my job so much!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fresh New Website!

A new summer, a new look! (it doesn't always have to start in the spring).
According to my wishes my website has been completely redesigned by Artishox Media.
I think it's very important to have a clear site which is easy to handle for the viewer.
Since I don't want to make a catalogue of my website, one can only find a small selection of recent work on it.
It's just to give you an impression. In my opinion art should be experienced in real life, so one can immerse in it.
So if you like what you see, you can visit one of the galleries I work with permanently (CONTACT-button), to meet with the paintings for real.
Of course you can also contact me directly if you want more information.
Check it out

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The launch of CALVET - the documentary <-Here you can read the beautiful review on the launch of the documentary by Dominic Allan about the life of my fellow artist Jean Marc Calvet. Soundtrack made by Edith Progue (breathtakingly, goose bumps giving). The review is written by Marina Hadley. She is one of the 2 gallery directors of the gallery I work with in New York City, Monkdogz Urban Art. 
I'm getting really impatient now.... I just have to see the movie. The trailer is not enough!... If you do want to know more about it, you can check this link as well:

Yesterday and today on Edinburgh International Film Festival!

Thursday, June 02, 2011


Nice article about my solo exhibition on
Sorry, it's only in dutch.
On you can not only find notifications of exhibitions in The Netherlands and Belgium, but also reviews on art fairs, exhibitions in musea and galleries.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Burden and blessing at once

Detail of 'When the lady smiles'
I've been extremely productive during the last weeks. While creating one painting, the idea for the next one popped up and I could not wait to start it.
It's a good thing to live with my love, kids and dog. I would forget to eat and would only stop if I'm ready to drop with sleep, when I would be alone. I can't stop painting. It's like I'm infected with a dominant virus which makes me want to paint more and more.
And now I'm really tired because I did not listen to my body. It says 'take a rest'. Okay, I a few days :). The only reason that I'm writing this blogpost right now is that I have to wait for the paint to dry, before I can continue.
Anyway... I'm happy with my production bombardment and the fact that I'm never without ideas, which is a burden and a blessing at the same time.
It makes me restless and I always have to find the balance. But hey... you will not hear me complain!
Next Friday, June 3, my solo show at ARTISHOX Art Gallery in Hasselt - Belgium, will get started. It displays the first paintings in the new series: 'Girls in Paint' and my latest abstract works. They make a good combination I think.
I'll be present on Saturday, June 4 (11.00 - 18.00 hours) and you are very welcome. The exhibition lasts until July 30. For more info and opening hours check

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Girls in Paint

'Let every bird sing its own song'  24x30 cm/9x12 inch

I've started a new series, called 'Girls in Paint'.
Since a long time I wanted to combine my figurative work with my abstract style. I never found the right mode. Or rather I was never satisfied with the result.
In the past few months an idea formed in my head and last week I felt it was time to accomplish it. The painting above is a small one. Another, large one, can be viewed on my Facebook-page . I'm busy with the next one and there's more to come!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Buy a small piece of art and help the survivors of the disaster in Japan!


Please click on the image above this text, join, register and bid on a piece of art you really like. If the link does not work,
These are all small works of art, donated by artists from all over the world, in an attempt to help the survivors of the disaster in Japan. It's a silent auction, so there will be no names of artists mentioned below the images. But I'm sure you will recognize several by their style. You can bid on my work, or someone else's, I don't care, but please help!

Are you an artist yourself? You can join the club. Contact Monkdogz Art Fund.

Monday, May 09, 2011

ART TRIP to New York City

New York is my favorite city in the world! Every time I'm home, I want to go back!
It was lovely to meet again the directors of Monkdogz Urban Art Gallery, Marina Hadley and Bob Hogge at their new location on 52nd street. We always have so much to talk about... time passes way to quickly.
We almost bumped into Obama on Ground Zero, visited several art sites, galleries and the Affordable Art Fair New York.... and we enjoyed the beautiful weather (sunny and perfect for a city trip).
Now back home, trying to get back to earth and digest it all. More pictures on my Facebook-page

Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Monkdogz Urban Art Gallery, who represents my work in New York City, has organized an art auction for the victims of the disaster in Japan. Of course, just like the auction they organized for Haiti, I'm in.


It's not on the website yet, but it will be soon. It's a silent auction (no names of artists)....
I'll post a picture of my painting on my blog later on!

Sunday, May 01, 2011

New wearables...

Since I did the first 'Portable-Art' project in 2009, I wanted to try to create a belt as well. I always have so many ideas... I can't realize them all. Always have to choose (feel very privileged!). Finally I couldn't stop myself from doing it and this is the result.
I'm happy with the result.
For more pictures check my Facebook-page

I'm planning to make more of them, also commissioned.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Who Gets to Call it Art? - Trailer
Tags: Who Gets to Call it Art? - Trailer

This morning, when I was exercising on my elliptical, I saw the documentary 'Who gets to call it art?' made by Peter Rosen, which just happened to be broadcasted on TV.
Really interesting to see how 1 person was of as much influence to the art world as Henry Geldzahler (born in Antwerp - Belgium) has been at that time in New York.
Very interesting to see too, how he was a sort of muse to Andy Warhol.
What an extraordinary time for artists it was!
Exceptional and historical was the fact that the Metropolitan was emptied to be filled only with contemporary art (wow!!!!!!) of Geldzahler's choice.
I wish there was a Henry Geldzahler right now. But then again... only 1 Henry would not be enough. The world has become smaller, the number of people increased enormously and at the same time the number of artists has grown equally. Aside from the copycats and rubbish, there is SO much good art to be discovered. Henry would get crazy! There's just too much to choose from!

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Black and White

detailed close ups of 2 new paintings.

Today I finished the two paintings I've been working on in the past weeks.
Another challenge for me, because I wanted to use no color at all this time!
Of course, in the past years I've made paintings with less bright colors, but this time I wanted to go further than that.
The pictures of the complete paintings will be posted on my Facebook page later today!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Reaping the rewards....

2 blurry sneak preview close ups of my new work under construction - check my Facebook page for
the clear pictures -

I've been experimenting last week, and currently I'm reaping the rewards!
Of course I have to wait and see if the new paintings I'm working on right now are going to be like I imagined.
I love to challenge myself, so therefore I have to take into account that it may turn out bad.... I'm curious for the final result!
I'm also experimenting with a new art-bag, and in the meantime several ideas are running through my head... I wish I could just beam them up immediately!!!
I'm driving myself crazy, as usual ;-)