That's why I want to
give something back to the world.
I offered an Art Print for auction to 3FM Serious Request. They raise
money for girls and women who have been sexually abused all over the
world. You can still bid on it for 2 more days!
And you can bid on a portret of you (your beloved one or an idol)
made by me on LINDA.Foundation, which supports poor children in The
From Friday December 12, until Monday December 15 my art is represented by Galerie De Kei on the ART SQUARE of Excellent Fair, Rotterdam. A large number of high quality galleries represents their art on this luxurious lifestyle fair of more than 20.000 m2 in Ahoy Rotterdam. For more info check HERE
In less than 2 weeks, only 100 pieces numbered and signed by Anouk and me, completely sold out. I received a lot of lovely reactions! THANKS a lot to everyone!!
Thank you very much Gilbert Roque of My Creative Side for this video of my figurative paintings of the 'Perfect Imperfections' series! Text by Adele Tilouine. And I am proud that the images of my work are accompanied by the music of my dear friend Edith Progue
Following to the release of the 9th album 'Anouk - Paradise And Back
Again' (I painted the cover), upward of November 22 a selection of my paintings will be exhibited and for
sale at Gallery 238, Brouwersgracht 238, 1013 HE in Amsterdam
Gallery238 focuses onmodern Westernand ChineseArts.Top art.Especiallyoriginal works (in this timeofcopy-page,copypage, copy-page.....).Many of the artistsGallery238 represents,are artiststheyhave beencooperatingwith since a long time:Lita Cabellut,ZhuangHongYi,ColeMorgan,KantchoKanev,Gerriet Postma, SusanSchildkamp,ToyinLoye, IvoNijsand LuLuo, but alsoyounger(Chinese) artistsare brought byGallery238.In addition, thegalleryalso featuresdifferent (original)work byCobra artistssuch asKarel Appel, Corneille, Constant,Eugene BrandsandAllechinsky.Alsothe gallerycan rely onthecollaboration of several(inter)nationaltopgalleries.
Opening hours:
Thursday until Saturday: 12.30-17.30hours Sunday: 13-18.00 hours
An example of the (not signed here) Fine Art Print 70x100 cm
Collectors Item - Exclusive Fine Art Print - 100 pieces only!!!
am proud to announce the launch of a numbered and signed Fine Art Print
in unique collaboration with the famous dutch singer songwriter Anouk.
Signed by both artists in an exclusive series of only 100 pieces.
Printed with high-quality ink on special paper. (more technical info can be found on the order page)
The print is an image of the entire painting which is used for the cover of Anouk's new album 'Paradise And Back Again'.
ONLINE SALES start SATURDAY November 22 09.00 hours (CET).
Recently my art has been added to the art collection of Creutzberg | Van Dun Galleries in Oisterwijk, The Netherlands.
Besides their stunning art (to view and for sale of course) the gallery itself is worthwhile visiting. Housed in anineteenth-century national monument of more than600m2, an international selection oftopartists is shown. After a welcome in thebarof the gallerywith a cup ofcoffee, teaor anythingelse to drink, you can next view the sculptures, the vastcollection of paintings,photographs and(glass) and takea little walkthrough the garden with sculpturesorlook further intothe workof the artistsat the reading tableof the gallery.
The opening hours of the gallery are Wednesday until Sunday 12.00-18.00 hours Address: The Lind 39-41, Oisterwijk, The Netherlands
At the beginning of March this year, the manager of Anouk (THE rock star of the Netherlands who is also very well known internationally) approached me, to ask me if I was interested in painting a portrait of Anouk.
This painting would become the cover of her new album, a huge honor! It
was both a challenge and a FANTASTIC assignment! When I showed Anouk
the result, she immediately loved it, which made me extremely happy! The
album was scheduled to be released in November, so I had to keep my
mouth firmly shut!!
But now it is out in the open! Last Wednesday, Anouk herself revealed the cover on her Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
The international media immediately spread the news.
I am completely overwhelmed by the wonderful reactions that Anouk, as
well as I, have been receiving ever since.
About half of the original painting (90x150x4 cm) is shown on the cover.
A special scan of the artwork will be made, which will be available as a
Limited Edition Fine Art Print in 2 sizes. As soon as I receive the
prices, I will announce this, so you can pre-order if you are
I am working on several very large abstract paintings.
It's a challenge to create large size paintings in my recognizable
style. I have to adapt the movements, to achieve the same result. It's
really fun and I will continue to expand the new MONUMENTAL-series
On a regular basis I receive mails from students all
over the world, with questions on my work. Replying them cost me a lot
of time. Since I do not want to disappoint anyone, I always do reply.
But from now on, one can check this blogpost, which I will complement
with new Q&A's every now and then.
1. Q: How do you design your paintings?
A: My abstract paintings arise on the canvas layer by
layer. No sketches! My figurative paintings are based on sketches and
pictures. 2. Q: What tools do you use to get the different textures?
A: I use brushes, palette knives and my hands. 3. Q: How do you come with the names for your paintings?
A: They arise during creation of the painting. 4. Q: Why do you have features that are realistic and parts that are abstract?
A: For the simple reason that I like to create both! 5. Q. What paint do you use?
A: I use acrylics 6. Q: Do you also use a medium to make the paint thicker?
A: No, and don't use a medium.
7: Q: Can you post a video to show how you work?
A: No.
8.Q: What does art mean to you?
A: My life. I can't live without. It makes everything
more beautiful, meaningful. And by creating it myself, I can express
9. Q: When did you discover art?
A: I grew up with it. My father is an artist as well. It went playfully. 10. Q: According to you, are there any limits on art?
A: Yes and No! Yes, because some say something is art,
when to me it is nothing more than putter-work. Yes, because some
declare something to be a piece of art, which is totally
incomprehensible to others. For example, a piece of rope, hanging down
from the ceiling, amplified with some bullshit story. To me that is not
art. NO (and now I am contradicting myself), because everything should
be possible. If you observe the world the an open mind, there is so
much more to discover! NO, because I myself, always say that there are
no bounderies on my work, nor what it has to depict.
11. Q: Does your mood influence the work you are creating? Or is the other way around?
A: What's going on in my body and mind, I express with
paint on canvas. It's not only my job, it works also therapeutical. I
only get moody, if I can't manage to express it in the proper way. But
most of the time that is not the case!
12. Q: Do you works come from a fantasy, or is it a copy of reality?
A. Both. The abstract works are no fantasy. It just
arises, from the urge to express 'my reality' with paint on canvas.
Next it is to the spectator, to use his/her imagination. The figurative
works are fantasy, but partially based on reality. 13. Q: Do you experience fantasy as a kind of lust.
A: I do think so, yes. 14. Q: In the 60's art started to appear in
tv-commercials. Do you think commercials are art? Do you think art can
be used for commercials?
A: Commercials are no art, it is pure marketing. But it absolutely can be made very artfully!
15. Q: Do you think the value of art is always equal to the financial value it sometimes gets?
A: Absolutely not. Sometimes a piece of art is worth much more, than what someone wants to pay for it. But
most of the time, it is the other way around. Works of old masters and a
select group of contemporary artists often are sold, through auctions,
for disproportionate high values. In my opinion they may be worth a lot, but the millions and billions that are now issued for this are completely insane.
´Muse Over Soon´ is finally ready. It took me many many
hours, and lots of paint in many layers to create this
painting. I've had moments that I wanted to give up.
What I had in my head, did not arise on the canvas. The composition was
good, but the execution was not satisfying to me. In
common I have little patience. But my figurative
paintings 'train me' to build more patience. 'Good' is not
good enough. It needs to be perfect! And that takes a lot of
perseverance, time and energy!
created a few great paintings and not only that... many paintings have
found a new home in various countries. Which pleases me a lot!!! :D
there's the challenge to create new ones, in the Figurative series
'Perfect Imperfections' and 'Dynamic Abstracts', because I've got
several exhibitions ahead of me!
Today the exhibition in 'Galerie In de Oude School' in Stroe, The Netherlands is opening!
will last until April 27, so if you are in the neighborhood, go and
take a look in this beautiful galerie, which once was a school. The old
building looks great, has a lot of great walls and a very passionate
gallery owner!
Galerie In de Oude School, Stroeërschoolweg 6, 3776 MN Stroe, The Netherlands
Detailed close up of a painting under constructioin which is titled: 'Black Shades'. Made sideways!
I work with a lot of layers, and much, very much paint. That is one of the reasons, that my paintings are as attractive sideways, as right in front of them.
Currently I am working without colors... just black. But as you can see here (and this one is still under construction!!), it can be as powerful as with colors!
Yesterday I finished a new painting 'Under Cover'.
It is completely in Black & White. The color you see in the right corner is from my palette.
This picture is taken from the side, so you can see the thickness of the paint.
The entire painting can be seen on my website.
Since the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, in April 2013, opened its doors again (after being closed due to restoration during 10 years!!!!!!) I wanted to visit it again.. But always there was a reason I could not go. No more excuses now, I just HAD to go!
So on an ordinary Thursday in January I went to the Rijksmuseum. I thought it would not be very crowded. Misconception... it was loaded! Especially at Rembrandt's 'Nachtwacht'.
However, it is ABSOLUTELY worthwhile to visit this really beautiful museum!!!
What a great collection of art!
One of the greatest museums I have visited uptil now.
Such a huge collection, really overwhelming. Tooo much to like. So I stopped taking pictures. However, this statue of wood of one of the Two Japanese Temple Guards (1300-1400) was fantastic:
And seeing 'Het Joodse bruidje' by Rembrandt in real life, was fantastic as well. I love his use of texture.
Only a few pieces of my favorites in between of many many more!
1... The sun was shining!
2... A lot of new canvases were delivered (linen on aluminium stretchers!)
3... I finished 1 of the 3 paintings I'm currently working on!
Titled: 'The Heat is On.
4... I had a great encounter with a lovely Chinese lady.
Set me thinking...
5... And I got an invitation to exhibit in Amsterdam in a great venue!!!
On a regular basis I receive messages from people, asking me
if I can give them advice about techniques, because they like my art,
and want to achieve the same as I do.
Most of these people paint in
their leisure time, and don't realize that I've been working for years,
day in - day out, to get where I am now, to maintain that and to keep on growing and stay a few steps ahead of the ones who (try to) copy me.
They don't see the sacrifices I had to bring.
I am not complaining, because I LOVE to paint, and I would do it all over again...
But being an artist is not always as romantic as they think it is.
Also... one has no certainties.
No regular deposit of salary every month.
They don't see what the economic crisis did to many artists, me included.
Of course, a lot of people can paint, or think they can paint (I will not discuss the quality) and there's a lot of talent in this world.
However, talent alone is not enough, and everything can be copied easily nowadays.
A true artist, develops his/her own style, immediately recognizable for spectators.
needs vision and has to be prepared to live the life of an artist,
which, I can assure you, is not always as romantic as one thinks it is!
So maybe the ones who paint in their spare time, should adjust their expectations, and continue what they do right now. Painting is wonderful and can set your mind free for a while!
Having said all that... for me this is the right path to follow, and it makes me happy.