Wednesday, November 17, 2010

INVITATION to Lineart 2010!

From December 2 until December 7 - 2010, my art will be presented on LINEART 2010, the international fusion art fair, in Gent, Belgium.

Gallery ART-ist, Geel - Belgium, will represent my art on the 29th edition of this renown art fair.
You are kindly invited!
I've got several free entrance tickets, so contact me if you want one.

I hope to meet you there!

1 comment:

  1. Esther, too bad I don't live in Europe!! Well there's always New-York to see your art...
    BTW, thank you for your comment on my Claudel painting. The moment you posted Van den Boog in your "This iz art" blog... I went into a frenzy looking for any of his works!!!! I saw what he wanted to accomplish with his last series (the use of clay and the analogy with Claudel). It revived the flame about my wanting to to an actual picture of Claudel... in a way you're responsible for that piece!!!
